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10+ Excess Windows 10 Compared to Windows OS Previously


10+ Excess Windows 10 Compared to Windows OS Previously

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For users of gadgets today certainly no stranger to the term OS or operating system. How not, all gadgets such as laptops, computers, and mobile phones certainly have an OS that serves as a support system and regulator of all kinds of basic functions of the gadget.

OS or in the Indonesian language is called this operating system there are several kinds, the most famous is the IOS and Android for mobile phones, while for computers and laptops there are Macintosh, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.

If the use of iOS and Android is quite balanced, it is different from the OS for laptops and computers. It is undeniable that Microsoft Windows or commonly abbreviated with Windows alone is the most widely used OS by everyone around the world, especially in Indonesia. The most important reason may be because the OS made by Microsoft is more user-friendly when compared to other OS, although actually each OS certainly has advantages and disadvantages of each.

Overview of Windows Development

Windows has evolved over many generations, since it was developed from a system called MS-DOS. Starting from Windows 1.0 which was launched in 1985 until now there is Windows 10 which officially released since 2015.

At the beginning of the emergence of only a simple graphical GUI or display, which is in Windows 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, then began to grow with the emergence of Windows 95 and 98. The next improvement is the emergence of the Windows NT family that begins with Windows 2000 and Windows ME. Then in a row there is Windows XP the most widely used formerly, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and finally up in Windows 10.

perkembangan windows

There is a myth that circulates among Windows OS users, namely that there is a loop between successful products and fails for each generation of the OS, more precisely since the emergence of Windows 2000. Windows 2000 products is somewhat successful, while the successor of Windows ME is considered a product failed . Then repeated on the success of Windows XP, which followed the failure of Windows Vista. Repeated again on Windows 7 that reap success, while Windows 8 stamped failed.

Up to now the emergence of Windows 10 is very successful and is considered an improvement from previous versions. Windows deliberately did not release the 9th because the number 9 has been synonymous with Windows 95 and 98, they immediately issued version 10 as a refinement of their OS.

The advantages of Windows 10 are Interesting

As the most recent and up-to-date version, there are many advantages of Windows 10. Here are some of the advantages possessed by Windows 10 that might make users who have not used it soon interested to install it.

1. Compatible on All Devices

Kompatibel all platform

One of the latest breakthroughs of Windows 10 is in terms of compatibility. So all sorts of applications that exist in Windows 10 should be run on various types of devices, not only on computers and laptops alone but also on smartphones and tablets. Thus the application developers must create responsive applications and can adjust to a variety of devices that must have different screen sizes as well.

2. Feature Assistant Digital Assistant Cortana

Cortana is one of the new features of Windows 10. A digital assistant that not only provides voice replies, but we can also give commands and questions. Various things that can be done by Cortana for example be a reminder based on time, place or person. Can also as a tracker of our flight schedule. Can also send email or other messages. Even Cortana can search for various files or information that we need and open any applications that exist in our system.

3. Return of the Start Menu Button

cortana windows10

One thing that became the weakness of Windows 8 is the start menu button that is somewhat confusing for users of Windows 7 and earlier. Therefore Windows 10 made repairs and restore the original location in the lower left corner. Not only that, Windows 10 also changed it to be more dynamic and still feels like the look of Windows 8, but with an easier use as well as start menu in Windows 7 and earlier.

4. Free Upgrade

One other plus of Windows 10 is a free upgrade feature for owners of Windows 7 or Windows 8, of course who have the original and licensed versions, not the ones that are pirated. How to upgrade is also quite easy, just go to the page titled Windows 10 Free Upgrade, then select the upgrade button and follow the step by step that appears on your screen.

5. Presence of Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge

Windows 10 no longer uses Internet Explorer as its default web browser, but is replaced with Microsoft Edge. Microsoft’s new Web browser will be used on all devices that use Windows 10. SIGNED will be a lightweight and fast web browser, with a view like any other standard web browser. Microsoft Edge also features annotation tools, read mode, and integration with Cortana.

6. Virtual Desktop Technology

Another advantage of Windows 10 that does not exist in other OS is virtual desktop technology. With this user can create more than one desktop screen for different purposes. Users can combine similar windows on one desktop screen and other windows on other desktop screens anyway, thus the user can manage the contents of each desktop screen and easily switch between the screens.

7. Multiple applications in one screen

Windows 10 users can not only create more than one desktop screen, but can also display more than one application on a single desktop screen. The new interface features of Windows 10 allow users to display more than one app at a time. Users can also easily move from the various applications that are displayed.

8. Game mode features

For users of gaming booster or similar applications now no longer need to use these additional applications because Windows 10 has brought game mode that has the equivalent function. Game mode options can be used or not, if used will make the game activity as a priority and improve the quality of the game being played. Thus the game activity will be played more powerful.

9. Windows Store

store apps

One feature built from Windows 10 is the presence of Windows Store that serves as a place to shop all kinds of application needs for Windows 10 devices that we use, whether on laptops, computers, tablets, or smartphones. Here we can download all kinds of digital content that we need, such as applications, games, music, movies, and so forth. It’s the same with the Google Play Store functionality.

10. Continuous feature

Another feature of Microsoft 10 is the continuum, which is a feature to make a smartphone that uses Windows 10 feels like a computer. The trick is to connect the external screen, mouse, and keyboard to the smartphone that we use. But of course there are some requirements for smartphones who want to use these features. Minimal specs are 720p screen resolution, 2 GB RAM, 8 GB of internal storage, Bluetooth 4.0, and WiFi 802.11n.

That’s some of the advantages of Windows 10 that might make you interested to immediately install it in the gadget you use. Immediately try and feel the various advantages.

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