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Test the website’s response speed


Test the website’s response speed

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This time I discuss more towards personal documentation because the original new know in curl there is how to test the speed of response of website or downloaded file. Suitable for benchmarks how download process latency since requested, processed and complete from shell / terminal. Yes the science is shared. Hehe. 😀 Live you execute one curl command line this:

curl -s -w '\nLookup time:\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect time:\t%{time_connect}\nAppCon time:\t%{time_appconnect}\nRedirect time:\t%{time_redirect}\nPreXfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStartXfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal time:\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null

Of course you replace the website address with the URL of the site you want to test the response time.

Where parameters:

  • -s function to run in silent mode. So there is no display of download process or error message.
  • -w determines what is displayed on the screen, so it is not the contents of the website or the file that appears but the test parameters.
  • -o will be saved into what directory or with what file name.
    time_namelookup how long it takes to get the IP address of the domain name.
  • time_connect then the old process when the TCP connection starts until successfully connected.
  • time_appconnect time of connection process SSH / HTTPS and other protocols to complete.
    time_redirect time spent when there is a redirect (redirection) in the connection process of the intended content.
  • time_pretransfer time during the above process until before the data transfer. Want to start with.
  • time_starttransfer time required for initial byte transfers and this includes all the above processes.
  • time_starttransfer time required for initial time_total total time all the test process its response speed.
    The result will be like this:byte transfers and this includes all the above processes.

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