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List free Email Forwarder service


List free Email Forwarder service

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The question from mas Tom about the mail forwarder for all incoming emails to his domain inbox forwarded to his Gmail address makes me remember that this is a common incident case for new migrations from shared hosting to Virtual Private Server.

I myself am just confused and it took more than a year since moving to VPS. 😛 More used in forums and online shops than blogs for regular notifications. Instead of bothering installing and setting up Exim or Postfix on the server – it’s possible and normally the results in Google suggest so – so I prefer to use third party services because it’s easier and faster.

The term should not be complicated, especially if the mail forwarder service can be used for free. 😉

  • Namecheap FreeDNS: The first thing I think about when talking about Mail Forwarder is the features of Namecheap’s free DNS hosting. Just use your Free DNS and activate this feature. Done. But there is a limit of 500,000 query DNS per month, if your website traffic is big enough to try upgrading to their Premium DNS which gives more features and bigger limits (2 million queries per month) for $ 5 per year.
  • Zoho: While Zoho is my first choice when need free email hosting with custom domain. Cool do you have my Hehe. 😛 And if you are already using it then there is email forwarding feature also here. Combined with the alias your email inbox will be more organized and neat.
  • ImprovMX: If you do not want to change the DNS hosting used your domain name then ImprovMX can be the solution. Just set your MX record in your DNS record domain and finish it already.
  • Idem with Zoho actually. It’s also a free email hosting service with a custom domain and Servernesia uses it. The mail forwarder feature is also built in.

While up here first list of free email forwarder provider and I’m sure there are still others that I have not discussed. I write here based on what I’ve used and recommend.

Basically, if you use email hosting almost certainly there is this feature, and some domain name sellers who provide a special free DNS hosting / manager feature for its clients like NameSilo also provide it.

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