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Remove Password in Windows 10 (Login Screen) with Easy


Remove Password in Windows 10 (Login Screen) with Easy

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In this tutorial I will explain how to remove the password in windows 10 or often known as login screen. This login screen will ask for a password as a user protection that will use our computer.

logon screen windows 10

But if we use the computer only for our personal needs, will feel complicated if each login needs a password. Here’s how to remove login screen in Windows 10 easily:

1.Then press the Windows key on the keyboard shortkey, and type run, then the new box will appear as shown below. You can also use the shortcut key to open this run program. The trick when the screen standby on the desktop, press the :

Windows + R key

Then the Run window will appear.

windows run

windows+ r

2. Next, typing


After that press the OK button or directly press Enter on the keyboard.


3.Next will appear User Account settings as in the following picture. Uncheck the “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer” option on the account we use (in this tutorial I only have one user only ASF). Then select Apply button.

user accounts Windows 10

4. then after click Apply, will appear a confirmation box that asks us to input username password user account. We must ensure this information correctly, because by entering confirmation of this username and password, then Windows will verify our actions and assure you that really want to eliminate this login screen. If the information we provide is wrong, then this process can not be done.

automatically sign in windows 10 password

5. After the input process username and password is completed, then click OK, then the settings tab will be closed.

ok user accounts

6. The last process after we make settings on the windows user account, it is necessary to restart the Windows process first, while ensuring the settings we have done this has been successful. How to restart Windows just click on Windows icon> Power, then select Restart.

restart Windows 10

Now we will no longer be asked to enter a password every time a computer login. We can directly use the computer directly after turn it on. To restore this setting, simply by checking again on step number 3 above, then login screen can appear again.

Need to be reminded that without the login screen, our computer security will be more risky. Especially if our computer is not only personal own who use it. It is feared that without a login screen, a nosy friend or even a friend who does not know anything is brain-tweaking our computer without us know before.

If there is a login screen that requires a password, at least other computer users than we will ask what password is used to login. The decision depends on us, more secure and comfortable using login screen or not.

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